Last night Jerrod received his Arrow of Light at the scouting Blue and Gold Banquet. For those of you who are not scouters, this award is the highest honor in cub scouting. The theme for the banquet was Chinese New Year. The boys made dragons and had a parade. They had a special guest come and do the arrow of light ceremony. He was dressed as an Indian chief and told the story about the history of scouting and painted the kids faces and gave each color a meaning. Then he incorporated stories we had given him about each boy and gave them their Webelo name. We told him several good things about Jerrod some of which included that Jerrod is a talker and will talk to anyone and that he has a talent of talking to horses :) So, Jerrod got the name "Gabby Horse". It was a really cute ceremony. We had a great time.
Kudos. That scouting is fun - but it does take work. We are in Boy Scouts now - three years till I start Cub Scouts again. Way to go Jerrod!
happy birthday krisine! i wanted to go to lunch with you guys but had piano lessons. hope you fun
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